Please note a change to our HOA Meeting schedule. We will no longer meet on a monthly basis but will instead meet on a bimonthly basis, starting at our February 6th Annual meeting. That means our next HOA meeting will be on the first Monday of April the 3rd, 2017, at the same time, 7 PM and at the same place as before, the SW OKC Pioneer Library at SW 134th and Pennsylvania.

The change in meeting schedule was one of the important outcomes of our Annual meeting. Another important outcome was the election of a new slate of Board members, including myself, Jim Lennarson. I was elected to the position of President as Ms. Courtney Vieta requested to be relieved of those duties. Ms. Vieta stays on as our Treasurer and I just want to thank her for outstanding work holding down both jobs for the better part of the past year. Also, Ms. Rebecca Upshaw was reelected as Secretary and Mr. Eric Jensen was elected as Member-at-Large. Congratulations to both and welcome on Board to Eric! Also, we want to pass a special note of thanks to Mr. Robert Norman for his service to our community over the past year as he leaves his position as Member-at-Large.

The draft minutes of the Annual meeting are available for your review and I encourage you to check them out at the “Minutes” tab of our webpage. But, allow me to highlight one final important outcome of our Annual meeting and that was the decision to hire a management company to help manage the affairs of our HOA. While I believe our Board did an outstanding job of transitioning from Ideal Homes’ management of our HOA, I also believe they found it to be a difficult task over the past year. Ms. Vieta is to be commended for her professionalism in managing our financial affairs. But after my review of the scope of financial records, I could see it was critical responsibility, worthy to be contracted out to a professional management company. I am very pleased that Ms. Vieta will continue in the role of Treasurer and act as liaison between the Board and the new management company.

Jim Lennarson
Country Place Homeowners Association